I love being inspired by other people's blogs. I recently stumbled upon Ordinary Courage (www.ordinarycourage.com), which is a phrase that means a lot to me, and which I'll say more about in a later post. The author of Ordinary Courage wrote about gratitude and included this quote:
It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.
--Brother David Steindl-Rast
This transition to New York has been challenging and I have often felt disconnected from my usual sources of joy and comfort. As always, though, I am surrounded by things to be grateful for. In the spirit of this quote, I will now make a top ten list of things I am grateful for today:
1. Obamelection. (This word coined by a charming coworker, not by me.)
2. An enjoyable walk in the park with charming coworker.
3. The pigeons that perch on the ledge outside my window. Their cooing noises remind me of doves.
4. My absolutely lovely roommate, who has already taught me about many things.
5. The Park Slope Food Co-op.
6. The fact that my new apartment in New York is actually quieter than my old one in Maine.
7. The cozy bar just around the corner that serves perfect hot cider.
8. Friends who care enough about me to tell me the truth (as they see it).
9. That every day carries new hope and inspiration if I just do my work.
10. A job, which may not be perfect and may not pay me very much, but from which I will learn and benefit in ways I may not even know yet.